Monosolenium tenerum
The Asian Monosolenium tenerum is a charming liverwort, standing at 2-5 cm tall, resembling a large Riccia that stays rooted to the substrate, forming cushion-like structures.
As a fragile plant, it tends to break easily, making it ideal to anchor to stones using fishing line or place in small clusters among other plants like Eleocharis.
Once established, Monosolenium is remarkably low-maintenance. It's often mistaken for Pellia.

Plant Profile
Read about what makes the best conditions for your plant as well as giving you interesting information about where the plant is originally from.
Learn how to keep an aquariumMonosolenium
South East Asia
Low - high
Slow - medium
On wood or rock
Medium to hard
0-20 mg/l

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